The Government of Jamaica’s (GoJ) training institute, Management Institute for National Development (MIND), along with the MOFPS is committed to identifying emerging trends and developments in the area of Public Finance and Accounting and have designed a suite of learning interventions that will guarantee leading-edge best practices for individuals in the Public Service who are engaged in this field. This Government Accounting Programme is designed for accounting practitioners at the various levels in the public sector, to ensure that they fulfil their professional responsibilities and provide guidance for best practices in corporate governance and accountability.

The Programme is essential for all individuals exposed to financial information in the workplace including accountants, auditors, and oversight functionaries involved in the preparation or use of financial statements. It will also be of value to those who plan to specialise in areas where accounting knowledge would be an advantage and those interested in supervisory and management positions.


The modules in this level provide an introduction to the purpose and machinery of government; the administrative structure of government; the roles and responsibilities of the accounting officer and the accountable officer; the institutions of government that play an integral role in public financial management and accounting standards and guidelines that govern the accounting profession; and outline the criteria by which accountants and their accounting departments should be evaluated and measured. The level further outlines the role of the HR department in public finance, the legal framework governing public financial management, the introduction of commercial accounting and its relevance to public finance, budgeting, cash management and fiscal policy, along with GFAS.  


Participants embarking on this training programme will gain enhanced skills, knowledge and competencies in the field of public financial management, thereby increasing their capacity and marketability. They will also enjoy greater job satisfaction, motivation and morale through the ultimate achievement in greater efficiency and effectiveness within their job processes.


This Programme is intended for all public finance and government accounting practitioners in both the public and private sector or persons wanting to move into public finance and accounting.